''I love coming to school, because the staff are nice and care for us all''
Mrs Cheetham (SEN/DCo & Assistant Headteacher) is responsible for attendance at Varna Community Primary School. She is supported in this role by Mrs Whitehurst (Attendance Assistant). They work closely together with our families to ensure we have excellent attendance and punctuality!
If you have any questions relating to attendance or punctuality please request to speak to either Mrs Cheetham or Mrs Whitehurst via the school office.
At Varna we are really proud of our attendance and punctuality. We won the 'Fisher Family Trust' award for our attendance in Autumn term 2023. We were in the top 10% of similar primary schools, well done everyone!
- All absences must be reported to the absence line before 9AM (leaving your child’s name, class and reason for absence)
- Absences must be reported by the adult who has parental responsibility for the child.
- All medical appointments must have evidence so appropriate mark can be made. Any medical appointments with no evidence will be classed as unauthorised.
- Any children who are unaccounted for on the register will have phone calls home to confirm reason for the absence.
- If no contact is made with parents/carers phone calls will be made to emergency contacts to find out a child’s whereabouts.
- If no contact is made and we are still unsure of a child’s whereabouts a home visit will be conducted by the family support/attendance team.
If you would like more information about punctuality please click here to see Manchester's information on attendance and what the law says regarding this. The NHS website also has some guidance to help you determine if your child is too unwell to attend school.
It’s a GREAT START to the day, putting your child in a positive frame of mind to make the most of the day’s learning and activities.
Punctuality is linked to good attendance, and as we know, good attenders have more opportunities, more support and therefore achieve more!
It sets your child up for their future – whether it is college, work or university, they could lose their place or lose their job if they think it’s ok to be late!
1. Late before register closes your child is a few minutes late – but they have missed the opportunity to say hello to their teacher and their friends. They are likely to feel unsettled and embarrassed as they start morning lessons.
2. Late after register closes this counts as an unauthorised absence and will show on your child’s attendance record. Not only has your child missed the chance to meet with their friends before school, they are likely to have missed the start of lessons and could feel unsettled, embarrassed and much less confident than their classmates as the lesson moves on.
Get to know your child’s school timetable – work together to make sure they have everything ready the night before e.g. books, PE or swimming kit, uniform!
Get your child into the habit of doing their homework in the evening – instead of in the morning at the breakfast table.
Make sure your child has a good bedtime routine so they get plenty of rest and don’t struggle out of bed in the morning – not a bad idea for parents either!
Invest in a good, reliable alarm clock – make setting it part of your child’s bedtime routine.
Try to ensure your child has a good breakfast to set them up for the day – we have a breakfast club you could use if you need to be at work early. (Starts 8.00am last entry 8.30am)
Have a backup plan for getting your child to school in case something crops up – friends or family, perhaps neighbours who are taking their children to school anyway.
Allow lots of time for your journey.
If you are finding it difficult to get your child to school on time, talk to the family support team and ask for help! 0161 711 1023