Year 6 2023 - 2024

Miss Doherty

Mr Crossley

Miss Callahan




Please click on the link below to find out more information about the SATs. 

SATs Information for Parents 2024


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We are very excited for the 2023/24 academic year and look forward to sharing this time with you.

Please find introduction letters from both classes below...

6D Introduction Letter Miss Doherty & Mr Crossley

6C Introduction Letter Miss Callahan



Day 4

Team Bonington

Well, today was a wet one. No, we weren't doing any water sports, but we did spend six hours climbing a mountain in the torrential rain. I'm so proud of Team Bonington as there wasn't a single complaint - just a determination to succed and a kindness in the support they offered to each other! The hard work paid off though because the views at the top were STUNNING! Along the way, we learnt all about different edible plants - Wood Sorrel and Bullrush. Some of us may have even snuck a few bits into our suitcases to bring home! 

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Team Yassin

Today was a challenging and rewarding experience, marked by what felt like a battle with the elements. The day began with a reflective discussion about yesterday's achievements and goals. The team shared insightful and challenging moments. Our adventure kicked off with a hike up the mountain, offering breathaking scenery. The weather, however, tested our resolve, as we faced alternating rain, strong winds, and brief sunny intervals. Despite the tough conditions, our mental toughness and spirits were kept high by our instructor. He engaged us with information about the local plants, wildlife, and landmarks. The hike, though gruelling, ended in triumph as we reached our destination and celebrated together, proud of our perserverance and teamwork. We eagerly look forward to what our last day bring us.

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Team Atherton

What a way to end the week! After yet another delicious breakfast (seconds went down very well!) it was our turn for gorge walking. The wind howled, the rain pummelled the ground and lunch was spent under a huge parachute. It would have been easy to turn back but after some inspirational words from instructor Rich, we learned a new mantra - Choose Your Attitude. The group rallied, encouraged and supported each other, powered on and then...the sun came out just as we reached our destination - the waterfall! That was our cue for lots of fun in the water, then it was a walk back home for tunnelling before dinner. A brilliant way to end a brilliant week.

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All groups

This evening, we all got together around a campfire to reminisce about all the things that we have achieved, whilst toasting marshmellows. The children have had a brilliant week. They've really shown that they have the determination and resilience to succeed as they move on to high school. 

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Day 3 

Team Bonington

After all of our hard work yesterday, Team Bonington were flat out as soon as the lights were switched off. It's a good job that we had so much sleep because it was another tough arm day for us. After filling up again on yet another full English breakfast and waffles, we set off to build our own rafts by joining canoes together. We had to work together to paddle our way around the bay, again taking on the wind and beating it. After another lunch on the beach (we're still not tired of the flapjacks!) we hiked up to the start of our next activity - gorge walking! Our teamwork was exceptional as we manoevered up the waterfalls, looking out for eachother to make sure everbody made it up safely. It was hard, but it was so worth it because we got to have a waterfall shower at the top! Tonight's food has (apparently) been voted the best dinner ever. A delicious meal, followed by chocolate fudge cake! There were lots of happy (chocolate covered) faces! We finished the night off with some team games where we had to help untangle each other, get over a wall and complete a maze. We'll sleep well again tonight!

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Team Atherton

After another epic night's sleep (your children really are the best) we were up and at 'em ready for another day of non-stop activity. First up, we channelled our inner viking and rowed across the lake. Teamwork was the order of the day and the group did not disappoint - everyone gave it their all and we got across in no time. Then it was time to switch on our head torches and go into the tunnels for lots of exploring and games. Once again, the bravery shown by the group was incredible with everyone giving it a go and having a great time. After lunch by the water, it was time to don our wetsuits, hop on a speedboat and head off for some cliff jumping! On the way back we jumped out of the speedboat (don't worry - it had stopped!) and swam back to shore. After another wonderful feed at dinner time, we tidied up our kit room and it was time for the night line. The group was blindfolded and had to make their way around a course, with some added distarctions thrown in by the adults! Then it was time for the shop, a few more games and then bed. Not a bad Wednesday!

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Team Yassin

We had another successful and productive day filled with hard work and adventure. Our day began with an exhilarting cliff-jumping actiivty, which we reached by powerboat. The children were thrilled by the boat ride, their excitement palpable. Upon arrival, many of our team members embraced the challenge of cliff jumping, progressing from one level to the next show casing the amazing swimming skills. While some were initially hesitant, they displayed remarkable courage by participating in various ways, whether by swimming, climbing the cliff or ultimately taking the leap. Following this, the children faced another challenge: rowing a boat as a team to a distant site. They worked together with great determination and pride, successfully reaching our destination in impressive tie. At the new site, we enganged in a underground tunnel acitivity, which the children found fascinating. The day concluded with a night-line game, filled with laughter and teamwork, ensuring everyone made it back safely. We look forward to bringing the same energy and enthuisiasm to a new task tomorrow. Until then! 

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Day 2

Team Bonington

It was arms day at the Team Bonington gym today. We started the morning off by rowing across Lake Ullswater. We really had to dig deep and use our muscles to battle against the wind. A full impromptu rendition of The Lion King soundtrack helped to keep our spirits high though, that, and the delicious flapjacks we had as a halfway snack! Once we reached the other side, we ate our lunch whilst admiring the view. After a lesson in skimming rocks (which we were ace at!) we walked on to our next activity - the tunnels. How the children managed to squeeze into those tiny spaces baffles me! We had lots of fun exploring the tunnels, finishing it off with a game of 'hunted'. Then...we rowed back! After a scrumptious dinner, we took part in a night-line activity, where we had to guide our blindfolded partner around a course. It really put our communication skills to the test, as we quickly had to learn what the best advice to give was. We finished the night with juice, toast and games before heading off to bed for another night of peaceful sleep.


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Team Atherton

What a day! After a very pleasing early night, we were up and refuelling at breakfast where the children were treated to a choice of cereal, WAFFLES and a full English breakfast! Then we got our kit together and went on a 9 KILOMETRE HIKE up a mountain called Place Fell! It's a 657 metre climb - the views were out of this world -  and the children were incredible! They were so supportive and patient with each other and are really coming together as a team. We took the scenic route down and treated ourselves to a ride back on a steamboat (where some of them may have fallen asleep!). After another great meal we did orienteering around the centre in the evening and then it was off to bed for a well-earned sleep!

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Team Yassin

Today, Team Yassin took on a new challenge that highighted the importance of awareness and teamwork. We learned valuable lessons about the nerves that come with offering support and the significance of our actions and words. Our day started with a climbing wall activity, followed by gorge walking, where we tackled tough rocks and water obstacles. After lunch, we enjoyed an orienteering scavenger hunt and wrapped up with a fun game of mime games. The team overcame many obstacles and grew closer through these experiences. We're excited for whats to come ahead of us tomorrow. Until next time! 

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Day 1

Team Bonington

Team Bonington have had a brilliant start to our week! We kicked it off with a jog and then a refreshing dip in the lake. We had to imagine it was a jacuzzi to keep the cold at bay! Then we finished our evening off with an orienteering activity around the centre. Epic day one - tick!

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Team Atherton

What an awesome first day! After we'd arrived, made our beds (which took quite a while!) we had a tour of the site and played some team-building games. Then, after dinner, we were out on the water for the tradition of jog and dip. The clouds parted, the sun shone and it was incredible...if not a little bit chilly to begin with!

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Team Yassin

It's been a great start to the week and the chilren have settled in brilliantly. Today we got involved in alot of activities around resilience and team-building and then we had the opportunity to go swimming in the lake which was quite an experience for the children!

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