Reception 2023 - 2024

Miss Bretton

Miss Johnson

Mrs Lowe

Welcome image.PNG

Welcome to Reception's class page...

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Hello we are Miss Johnson, Mrs Lowe, Miss Gilberts and Miss Bretton. We are the Reception class teachers who, with the support from Miss Ashworth, Mrs Amer-Naylor and Miss King, deliver an exciting, engaging and challenging curriculum. The Reception year is a wonderful and exciting part of your child's school journey and we will be there to guide and support your child whilst watching them soak up lots of new knowledge and experiences. 


In Summer 1 we will be learning all about the story 'The Gingerbread Man'. We will learn to retell the story as well as having the opportunity to access many linked experiences like baking and eating our own gingerbread people, walking to a local bakery to see if ours or their's taste better, going on a visit to Stoller Hall to experience a live musical performance.

the gingerbread man.PNG

We will also be learning ...

  • Three Nursery rhymes/songs: Hello Rabbit, Engine Engine, 1-2-3-4-5.
  • Mathematics: Number bonds within 5, Numbers to 10, comparing numbers within 10, count out objects up to 10, conceptual subitising to 8, addition to 10, number bonds to 10, one more or one less of numbers to 10. 2D and 3D shapes.
  • We will learn multi-skills, athletics and dance through our physical development sessions as well as continuing to build our physical development through our outdoor learning area.
  • We will be looking at the artist Vincent Van Gogh as well as using our knowledge of colour mixing to mix a range of colours.
  • To support our understanding of the world we will be looking at photos and talking about our our families, using the language of past and present. We will be making maps of the gingerbread man's journey as well as maps of our own journey to the local bakery. We will also be learning about different animal habitats as well as thinking about clothes appropriate for the weather as it becomes warmer and more sunny. We will also be using our brand new gardening area to plant and observe the transformation of these plants over time.

To see more about our planned learning please find our curriculum overview and skill progression documents on the EYFS page of the website.

A little something about us...

A Welcome Letter from Miss Johnson and Mrs Lowe

A Welcome Letter from Miss Bretton and Miss Gilberts

parent workshop march (2).jpg   parent workshop march (3).jpg  parent workshop march (4).jpg

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